" Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" - Leonardo DaVinci
The last few years have been a change for me. I've discovered my love for the photography world.
Since the spring of 2013 I've been learning on my own in my free time, everything that it's related to it, from the technical standpoint, to the artistic look.
Also, I have joined multiple St. Louis Digital Photography clubs to expand my social network on this field.
I enjoy every second I spend in the outdoors and I'm willing to keep developing my skills, due to I believe it is a really productive hobby.
Since the spring of 2013 I've been learning on my own in my free time, everything that it's related to it, from the technical standpoint, to the artistic look.
Also, I have joined multiple St. Louis Digital Photography clubs to expand my social network on this field.
I enjoy every second I spend in the outdoors and I'm willing to keep developing my skills, due to I believe it is a really productive hobby.
Photo Contests and Activities
So far, I have participated only in one public contest, the STL250 Anniversary. And 2 of my pictures have been selected for the top 100 best photos of St.Louis and have been exhibited at the Sheldon Art Gallery from June 6th to August 24th, 2014. www.sheldonconcerthall.org
The pictures selected are, the "Tower Grove Raindrop" and "Metropolitan St. Louis".
Also, this picture made it for the best 250! "Arch Freedom"
Event photographer for the Revival Concert Series organization.
Revival organizes multiple events trough the year to support local art and music bands of St. Louis, MO.
Active member and web-developer for the group Photos At War.
A friendly photo contest between amateur photographers and digital editors.